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Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Simple is Amazing

Heyho, this week, still on my holiday. I got some lucky. See, i got more moneys this week. So, 2 days i went to PONDOK INDAH MALL and bought 4 clothes. Two from LM for Hardware, one from Chic and Chic, and one more from Orange. Would you like to see? Check It Out ! :)

Oversized Tank Top from LM and Rockin Legging

Petite Dress from Orange, and the rabbit is mine.

Shirt from Chic and Chic and my old skirt. Hey look, i can modified that skirt into 3 appearances.
1. Skirt above chest

2. Skirt under chest

3. Skirt on waist

AND, the last but not the least, batik short dress from LM. And web stocking again, you know, i love mixing web stocking with any batik dress. You must try it.

AND AND AND, sorry i must end this post. Sorry about the text, i'm not good in english. But i wanna try and be better. BTW thanks to my lil bro, he was the photographer for all my photos this time.
KEEP FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/zkyaninditha

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Batik isn't Uncool

Web isn't look hyper if we can mix with BATIK and long tank top

Tas Berbulu

Hai,temen-temen percaya ga kalo hari Sabtu kemaren itu hari pertama gue ke Mangga Dua buat belanjaaa? Percaya doong, itu kenyataan kok. Nyokap emang males masuk ke tempat kayak Mangga Dua gitu, jadi ya gue gapernah diajak kesana. Padahal gue pengen banget bisa belanja disana :) Nah hari Sabtu kemaren, kebetulan gue abis nginep di Ancol, nah mumpung deket dan nyokap gaikut, gue ke Mangga Dua, ke ITCnya. Waktu itu gue ga bawa duit banyak, akhirnya cuma beli satu tas. Harganya murah kok. Liat ini ya..

Senin, 12 April 2010

Try to Find This Product

Picture Box

from: http://weheartit.com/tag/fashion?page=2


from http://frenzetic.tumblr.com/

Future Mode

I got it when i was surfed some fashion pictures. I LOVE IT

Japanese Uniform Syle

Saya tidak pernah mengatakan bosan terhadap fashion asal Negeri Sakura, alias Jepang. Remaja Jepang sangatlah pandai dalam berpakaian, bagaimana mencocokkan blus dengan celana, rok dengan sepatu, atau bahkan yang tidak cocok, dan model bertumpuk seperti harajuku. Saya sering berandai jika sekolah saya mengadopsi fashion Jepang sebagai dasar dari model seragam, seperti model seragam sekolah-sekolah di Jepang ini.

Follow me on twitter:

Jumat, 09 April 2010

New Jeans Skirt

Pink Formal Dress

Photo by: Adika Daniswara

Kamis, 08 April 2010


ask me if you care (with quality question) http://formspring.me/zkyaninditha

Rabu, 07 April 2010


Ask me anything please: http://formspring.me/zkyaninditha

Batik in Baloon Dress

You Ask? I Answer.

Dira asked:
lama ga ngeblog. update terus ya foto-fotonyaaaa. aku tungguin looooh.

iyaa kemaren aku ujian, ga sempet ngeblog. hari-hari penuh belajar. tapi ini udah ngeblog kok. makasih ya :) jadi followers dong


When Go to the Beach, try this mode:

Model: Rizky
Fotografer: Dika

oooh gitu dikirain, mirip

masasih? adek-adekan kalii? haha ngakak

ask me if you care (with quality question)

sama @saviraw adek kakak ya? mirip

bukaaaaaaan. haha masa sih? ini siapa?

ask me if you care (with quality question)

heeey kamu, blognya bagus

makasih, ini siapa?

ask me if you care (with quality question)

Big Size in Animal Print

Model: Rizky
Fotografer: Dika